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SMR TT Augmented 360 MB image

SMR TT Augmented 360 MB

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Schliemann B, Hartensuer R, Koch T, Theisen C, Raschke MJ, Kösters C, Weimann A.

Treatment of proximal humerus fractures with a CFR-PEEK plate: 2-year results of a prospective study and comparison to fixation with a conventional locking plate. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2015 Aug;24(8):1282-8.

Schliemann B, Seifert R, Theisen C, Gehweiler D, Wähnert D, Schulze M, Raschke MJ, Weimann A.

PEEK versus titanium locking plates for proximal humerus fracture fixation: a comparative biomechanical study in two- and three-part fractures. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2017 Jan;137(1):63-71.

Rotini R, Cavaciocchi M, Fabbri D, Bettelli G, Catani F, Campochiaro G, Fontana M, Colozza A, De Biase CF, Ziveri G, Zapparoli C, Stacca F, Lupo R, Rapisarda S, Guerra E.

Proximal humeral fracture fixation: multicenter study with carbon fiber peek plate. Musculoskelet Surg. 2015 Sep;99 Suppl 1:S1-8.


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Non tutti i prodotti sono disponibili e registrati in tutti i mercati. Per maggiori informazioni contatti il suo Rappresentante LimaCorporate locale.

LPSI and SpaceFlex e SYMBOL® sono distribuiti da Limacorporate S.p.A.
BIOLOX® / BIOLOX®delta / BIOLOX OPTION® sono marchi registrati di un'azienda del Gruppo CeramTec, Germania.