Activity Description
Welcome to a unique Medical Education experience
We believe in offering Surgeons more than just a simple course.
Interactive Calendar
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It is a face-to face training in a dedicated facility, where expert surgeons give lectures, discussions are facilitated, and a lab hands-on part (on cadaver) is offered. This event is designed for practicing surgeons, looking for better outcomes for their patients through increased awareness and knowledge of products, surgical techniques, clinical solution and exchange of tips & tricks.
It is an on-demand only, in-person course for surgeons seeking high-level training on safe and effective use of Enovis products, technologies, surgical techniques and exchange of tips & tricks. Surgeons are welcomed to join Centers of Excellence and together with teaching experienced surgeons, they can improve their knowledge assisting live surgeries and case discussions. Also when requested, our KOLs can attend surgery to assist other Surgeons performing new and complex techniques.