
Healthcare Professionals Access

The following information are exclusively dedicated to Healthcare Professionals. Please click on the confirmation button below if you declare to be a Healthcare Professional.

Shoulder Surgical Planner image

Shoulder Surgical Planner

Please note that not all products are available and registered in every market: contact your LimaCorporate Sales Representative for any further information.



Enhance Accuracy

With the LimaCorporate intra-operative 3D personalized guides (PSI Patient Specific Instruments)


Plan Everywhere

Cloud-based system, review and approve your surgical plans from any device anytime, anywhere


360° Planning

Plan implant positioning for glenoid and humerus utilizing the complete LimaCorporate shoulder implant portfolio


The new LimaCorporate pre-op planning software powered by Materialise, enables the user total freedom to plan cases in a simple, automated and independent manner by utilizing auto-segmentation technology and an improved user interface. 1

& Options

PSI for all glenoid implants in LimaCorporate portfolio

Planner available for humeral side

Bone graft option implemented

Identify impingement risks and optimize ROM


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SMR - LPSI Surgical Technique

Shoulder Pre-Op Materialise Planner Flyer


For further information about Shoulder Surgical Planner, contact us

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Please note that not all products are available and registered in every market. Please contact your LimaCorporate Sales Representative for any further information.

LPSI, SpaceFlex e SYMBOL® are distributed by Limacorporate S.p.A.
BIOLOX® / BIOLOX®delta / BIOLOX OPTION® is a registered trademark of a company of the CeramTec Group, Germany.

Materialise NV is the proprietor and - to all effects - the legal manufacturer of the pre-op planning software and of the personalized surgical guides (LPSI).