
Healthcare Professionals Access

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Please note that not all products are available and registered in every market: contact your LimaCorporate Sales Representative for any further information.



TT Trabecular Titanium ingrowths surface


Full hemispherical profile


State of the art bearing options including DELTA Dual Mobility


The DELTA TT cup breaks new ground in orthopedic technology by combining the unique features of the DELTA System with the TT Trabecular Titanium structure.

& Options

Vitamin E (a-tocopherol) is an effective biological antioxidant that helps preventing the oxidative degradation of cells’ membrane phospholipids, hence the polymer, while ensuring ultra-low wear and maintaining greater mechanical strength over time compared to standard UHMWPE.

Bibliography: Exponent (2015). Material Characterization of Limacorporate S.p.A.’s Vitamin E Blended 100 kGy UHMWPE. Appendix 13b.


Aiba H, Watanabe N, Inagaki T, Fukuoka M, Murakami H.

Differences among the observers in the assessments of Japanese orthopedic association hip scores between surgeons and physical therapists and the correlations to patients’ reported outcomes after total hip arthroplasty. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Jan 03; 23:27

Bistolfi A, Ferracini R, Aprato A, Massè A, Daghino W, Lea S, Artiaco S, Lee GC

Third generation delta ceramic-on-ceramic bearing for total hip arthroplasty at mid-term follow-up. J Orthop. 2020 Aug 28;22:397-401.

Klaassen A, Schäffer B, Willigenburg N, Van Beers L, Scholtes V, Van Der Hulst V, Koster L, Kaptein B, Moojen D, Poolman RW.

Comparison of early migration patterns between a ceramic and polyethylene liner in uncemented Trabecular Titanium cups: a 2-year randomized controlled trial of 52 hips using radiostereometric analysis. Acta Orthop. 2022 Feb 22; 93: 451–458.

Klasan A, Bayan A, Holdaway I, Farrington WJ.

Liner type has no impact on bone mineral density changes around a 3D printed trabecular titanium acetabular component. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2023 Feb;109(1):103136.

Massari L, Bistolfi A, Grillo PP, Borré A, Gigliofiorito G, Pari C, Francescotto A, Tosco P, Deledda D, Ravera L, Causero A.

Periacetabular bone densitometry after total hip arthroplasty with highly porous titanium cups: a 2-year follow-up prospective study. Hip Int. 2017 Nov 21;27(6):551-557.


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Instrument Care, Cleaning, Disinfections and Sterilization - Orthopaedic Instruments Instructions for Use

DELTA TT and Dual Mobility - US only Surgical Technique US only


For further information about DELTA TT, contact us

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Please note that not all products are available and registered in every market. Please contact your LimaCorporate Sales Representative for any further information.

LPSI, SpaceFlex e SYMBOL® are distributed by Limacorporate S.p.A.
BIOLOX® / BIOLOX®delta / BIOLOX OPTION® is a registered trademark of a company of the CeramTec Group, Germany.